Press releases in PDF format
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Press release October 24, 2003: Yamaguchi Center for Art and Media to open with Amodal Suspension, a new piece by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer.
Press release November 10, 2003: Amodal Suspension receives 125,000 participants from 58 countries in the first 10 days of operation".
Promo flyer by Katsuhisa Nomura
Downloadable high resolution photos available here.
News coverage
Flash in Japan Article by Brian Massumi, Artforum, New York, November 2003.
"Transforming Light rays into e-mail messages" by Ayako Karino, Asahi Shimbun-Herald Tribune, October 18, 2003.
"Rafael Lozano-Hemmer inaugura en Yamaguchi el nuevo centro de 'media art' erigido por Isozaki" by R. Bosco / S. Caldana, El País, Madrid, October 30, 2003.
"Electronic Messages Become a Beacon in the Darkness" by Matthew Mirapaul, New York Times, November 6, 2003.
Shift Magazine, Tokyo
RAI, Rome
El Mundo, Madrid
Top Ten Earthcam, US
Eyes, USA